Baptist Health Louisville Department of Radiology 4000 Kresge Way Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 897-8281
X-Ray Associates Business Office PO Box 7159 Louisville, KY 40257 (502) 895-5405
1(888) 389-8702
X-Ray Associates is one of the largest diagnostic radiology practices in Kentucky. Our exceptional Board Certified Physicians are sub-specialized in the following diagnostic radiology fields:
Body Imaging
Musculoskeletal Radiology
Women's Imaging
Interventional and Vascular Radiology
Gastrointestinal Imaging
Nuclear Medicine. PET CT
X-Ray Associates radiologists have expertise in all of the following modalities:
Computed Tomography (CT) including CT guided biopsies and procedures
MRI including MRI guided breast biopsies
Mammography including stererotactic biopsies, localizing procedures, and galactography
Ultrasound inluding ultrasound guided procedures
Fluoroscopy including fluoroscopic guided procedures